Every year I picked up a couple workbooks for each girl to use for extra practice during the school year. Worksheets are not a major part of our daily life but having some that are ready made is good for reinforcing and practicing concepts, particularly in math and grammar.
This year I picked up small math workbooks from Scholastic and then the following from Mead.
*Note: I don't think these are the exact editions we have but the concept is the same
They seemed to have a diverse selection of concepts at first glance and, overall, I'm happy with them. The only problem I noticed, after looking through them more extensively at home, is that my girls could probably do over half the work already for their respective grade level! We haven't even started the school year!
I think I may end up saving some of the early pages that I know they've mastered for their younger siblings (except the K book obviously) to graduate in to later in the year. No reason to give them busy work if they already have the concept learned! I also suspect I may need to go buy new workbooks (or make my own sheets) midway through the year for the next grade level.
I just bought the preschool level of these workbooks for Phoebe. I really like it. One of the best I've found.