Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fifty Nifty United States

I found this on Pinterest and really wanted something similar for our school room.


So I set out to recreate least somewhat. Managing the overall shape of the United States was easy enough, I printed a line picture from the internet, cut it out and traced the edges. Then I decided to free hand the states inside instead of cutting and tracing each individual state...

As you can see, that didn't work out so well. Particularly New England, which is full of teeny states with weird borders.

I set the map aside and figured I would reevaluate later. I'd seen another map that used scrapbook paper for the various states and thought I might combine the two ideas to finish the project.

Unfortunately, I didn't have scrapbook paper on hand (because I'm more of a digital scrapbooker) but I recalled the sticky sided foam we had from projects last year! In hindsight, scrapbook paper would have been easier because I could cut it with scissors!

By this point, my fingers hurt from using the hobby knife to cut a long the edges but I was over 50% done and not giving up now!

Still needs some finishing touches (like a frame) but I like the end result! And New England doesn't look like a hot mess anymore!

And for fun, a blast from the past (or mine anyway):

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Getting Ready!

With less than two weeks to the start of the nearby schools, I can't help but get caught up in the rush of preparing for a new school year. I have a confession to make, I LOVE office supplies! Even before I had kids, I would feel a draw towards those Back-to-School sales because pencils and binders and markers, oh my! I've already bought the girls new folders (and labeled them), new pencils, new crayons, new composition books and new workbooks for the year.

But all that wasn't enough for me! In addition to figuring out our unit schedule, I felt the need to rearrange our little classroom to make it a little more functional for everyone. The first big change was our central table. Last year it was a small, child sized table that was the perfect height for our girls. The problem? Not much working space on the surface. I brought in a full-size card table and chairs instead.

Then I raided the girls' room for one of their storage units which had been used to store toys. As they've out grown most of those toys, I took them all over to a friend with younger children and re-purposed it for our school room.

The easel has a chalkboard on one side and a dry erase board on the other. It can also be used for art as needed. We have a second easel in storage at the moment that I would love to pull out as a dedicated Art Center but I don't have anywhere to put it unfortunately. 

Tucked underneath our bar now (relocated) is the girls' computer station.

Finally we have our calendar and weather center. You'll probably notice it's on August and this is being posted in July, I can explain that. We're on summer break from school right now so the calendar had been on June up until just minutes before this picture was taken. I figure, July is almost over - may as well jump to August now.

The computer used to be under the calendar area and the kids' mini cooper was under the bar. Well Jasper (our Beagle) used the car as a jumping off point to get him ONTO the bar to wreck havoc so we had to make a change.

As an eclectic homeschooler, I pull curriculum ideas from a variety of sources and piece it together for what works well for us. When I first started homeschooling, an experienced friend suggested starting with the Core Knowledge Series and I'm glad he did! While I don't use these books for everything or even every aspect of the books, they give me a jumping off point to make sure the essentials are being covered each year.

As I have budding readers, we have the complete BOB Book collection, several early reader books and Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. This approached worked wonderfully for J and I will be using it for I and A as well. Actually, they both already started with this last year and I can't wait to see them continue to develop their reading skills.

It's going to be a GREAT year!